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CV Real Estate!

Your real estate agency in Mallorca



Màs información al +34 605 979 390

CV Real Estate is always about the Client

In short

We are the right path to your real estate investment

Use of habitual residence up to a maximum of five years.

Up to here, everything is the same. But here comes the big difference, we do in-depth interviews with the candidates, we analyze and check their financial capacity so that the YES PAYMENT is always fulfilled. There is no hurry, there is no reserve of the candidate. We are slow, but sure. At the end of the week of having visits and more visits, we choose the best profiles for the client to choose. We have a 99.9% success rate in choosing the candidate.

We change the services for the new tenant and we make a continuous follow-up of the tenant.

We are specialists in this modality. Use other than habitual residence.

  • You can dispose of your property at any time.

  • Much higher profitability than long term rentals.

  • Off-season from November to March: Digital nomads or displaced workers.

  • High season from April to October: Seasonal (minimum 1 month), vacation tourists.

  • This modality gives sense to the investment for the rental.

  • We take care of everything; check in, check out, cleaning, maintenance of the property.

We explain to the client, the reality of this modality; ideal for the season with great profitability, but very limited for the long winter from November to March. We always advise our clients to use the short term modality in this season. We take care of everything; check in, check out, cleaning, maintenance of the property.

We provide the seller the true market value of his property, without false expectations. He gives us a sales mandate and we get to work.

To the buyers, we dedicate an in-depth interview, where we clarify:

What do you want?

Where do you want it?

When do you want it?

What is your budget?

Once this information is clear, we start searching.

We have a great knowledge of all the commercial activities in Palma.

If you are looking for premises, after a brief study of your offer and an investigation of the ideal area of demand, we offer you several alternatives.

If you are selling or renting premises, we will give you a very realistic estimate of the real monetary expectation you have achieved.

Our market valuations have a minimum degree of failure with respect to the subsequent closing of the transaction. We never create false expectations.

We have been doing real estate consulting for more than 15 years, having worked with the leading companies in the sector.

We process the energy certification, we advise you on the most suitable electricity company, as well as we are dedicated through the leading company in the sector “Novasol” to the installation of photovoltaic self-consumption in both single-family and multi-family houses.


We help you with the financing to buy your property with our portfolio of collaborating banks, as well as with all the legal procedures ( deposit contract, sale contract, municipal capital gains, taxes to be paid for the capital gain…etc).


Properties that may be of interest to you

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Still haven't found the ideal property for you?

Leave us your message and we will help you in the shortest possible time.

At CV Real Estate we are always here to help you!

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