Knowledge and information

the bare property

Bare ownership is the right of a person over a property, being the owner. However, this right does not imply the enjoyment of the good.

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Self-developer Mortgages

Self-development mortgages are a type of loan that does not finance the purchase of a home, but rather the execution of the work. This means

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The deposit in the rent

Carlos E. Vallejo. Today we remember a little about article 36 of the LAU regarding the deposit in urban rentals. Obligation and amount. At the

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Hotel for sale, buy house

Carlos E. Vallejo. Market paradoxes. The famous “threats” of our maligned SWOT have turned the entire world economy upside down. Let us remember its definition: That which is external to

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Solar responses

If we are clear about something, it is that sustainable housing is and will be a trend in the coming years. We are looking for

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